Thursday, May 26, 2016

Special Report: University of Wisconsin System under fire for a series of alleged sexual assaults | KBJR 6 & Range 11 | KDLH 3: News, Weather, Sports for Duluth MN / Superior WI / Northland | Local News

Special Report: University of Wisconsin System under fire for a series of alleged sexual assaults | KBJR 6 & Range 11 | KDLH 3: News, Weather, Sports for Duluth MN / Superior WI / Northland | Local News

Not once in this report did this student go to the police.  Universities are not law enforcement. Also, it is stated that she went to get medical attention, yet no rape kit was taken, nor did any healthcare professionals suggest to her to have one done on her either.

There are tremendous holes in this story and a person needs to take some responsibility for themselves as well, since college is the beginning of adulthood.  Being accountable for your actions and responses to those that wish to harm your person is part of that.  She should have gone to an ER not just the on campus clinic which is not held to the same standards although they should be.  The ER is where if she said she was raped they would have been required by law to take a rape kit and report it to the authorities.  These are choices she made, why should the whole world be held accountable for them?

She claimed to be terrorized her entire career, even after talking to the Dean, she never made an attempt to talk to law enforcement, expecting the school to be investigator, prosecutor, jury and punisher?  That is not the role of an educational institution, it is the role of law enforcement, which it sounds like from the article that she had plenty of time to contact them while she was also asking the school to take care of it.

You see this was her life, something happened to her, yet she wanted someone else to 'take care of it' for her. Now because she didn't take proper actions and steps to defend herself she is going to try to hold the school responsible again?  This is the plague of the millennials, they seem to expect that people do everything for them, that is NOT how the world works.

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