Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Laws restricting where sex offenders can live don't accomplish anything say Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers experts.

Laws restricting where sex offenders can live don't accomplish anything say Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers experts.


  1. It is revenge, pure and simple...

  2. I am of the opinion that in most cases of those that have been charged and convicted with sexual assault , it is nothing more than “modern day slave trading” on the part of the system. Human life is bought and sold through the courts to justify the funding of new prisons, and job security in the states. And if there is a violation of probation rules, (which are arbitrary, per each PO Agent, and NOT written in stone by anyone or any department) then they are thrown in prison, not extended probation, or other appropriate sanctions, prison time!! Prison time even if their original sentence was jail time! Mind you, a violation, NOT another crime of any type, just a case of not following the loose rules. So now the offender has a hearing as to whether their probation will be revoked. (just this hearing alone has created many more jobs), and yes the administration law judges are the on the bank role of the Corrections, so they will NEVER rule for the offender, always in favor of the PO Agent, it is like the admin law judges prostitute themselves to the Department of Corrections. It is a crime what we do to our citizens and yet we go around the world and tell other counties about the abuse that they are committing amongst their citizens – the bureaucrats of this country that write these “slave trading” laws need to be replaced. Slavery was outlawed years ago!! Don’t fear some poor rag head living in a cave in a far off land, but be scared shitless of the suit and tie in Washington. (no offense to anyone when I use the analogy of “rag head”, just could not come up with something more meaningful in this scenario)
