Monday, June 11, 2012

Just a Few Words About the Wisconsin Recall

I have gotten several messages about our recent recall election here in Wisconsin. Some criticizing the re-election of Scott Walker. For those that do not live in the state of WI and do not pay the taxes here know far less than the media has told you about life here. 

Also those that believed that a mistake was made re-hiring Walker to finish the term he started do not realize the progress our state has made in balancing our budget and LIVING WITHIN OUR MEANS as a state. Unlike our parent Federal Government which seems to be like a college kid with a pocket of No Credit Limit Credit Cards, spending like there is no tomorrow and assuming that money grows on trees. The opponent that was up against Walker was the ex-mayor of Milwaukee, WI. In his first year as mayor he raised the city's taxes by 45%, also along side that increase the unemployment rate increased by 28%. This is not a track record ANYONE would like to see repeated at the state level.

All politicians have skeletons, the vast majority of them can not be trusted because one has to make a lot of promises to get to that level of politics and to suceed in that arena. This does not mean I condone their flaws, but when one is looking at the BIG PICTURE, they have to realize that you will never get everything you want out of a politician. It just isn't humanly possible. So while I may not agree with out Walker has conducted business throughout his life or how he does certain things now, but when picking between the lesser of two evils, he does more for the economy (you know money makes the world go 'round) than Barrett ever could. Besides Walker's political party wasn't the one that ran off and hid in a neighboring state to avoid having to do their jobs. Could any of you just not show up for work, still get paid, and expect to have your job when you returned? Those representatives should have lost their jobs, like anyone else would have.

Wisconsin Law Reform is about reform but not for one party or another, but for the people, for they are the government, not those overpaid politicians, they just aren't worth it.

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