Monday, November 21, 2011

Help Us Bring Our Community Together... An Opportunity for YOU to contribute to the Cause...

We are in the process of sending out a letter to each and every offender on the State Registry.  It is a slow process because we are hand writing the envelopes and putting a stamp on everyone.  For we want those receiving these letter to open them and not disregard them as 'junk mail'.  But to get in touch with these people we need STAMPS!  There are 21,000+ people on the registry with more being added each month.  If you would like to help with our mailing campaign or if you would like to volunteer for other tasks please contact me, Lara K. @ for more information.


  1. Case in point to review our thinking:

  2. I have been following that case of the 6 yr old that is now 7 since last year. I am relieved to see that the parents of the boy are following through and holding accountable those that railroaded a small boy and family. Causing more harm than protection of children as all those politicians that are named in that suit proclaim when they are running for office.
