Sunday, October 23, 2011

Calling all to Memebership!

Reform Sex Offender Laws in Wisconsin
EP3870 Galvin Ave
Stratford, WI 54484
My name is Lara and I believe we have much in common. Let me begin by sharing with you that my husband is required to register as a sex offender. I would like to invite you and your loved ones to join me in the effort of effecting change by utilizing both the judicial and legislative processes. You are among the 21,000+ people that are subjected to the extremely punitive effects of the public registry. Just like me, your family is then caught in the crossfire of these laws and becomes the collateral damage. Our current members, consisting of registrants and their families, need for you to join us in this effort.
According to the data released in 2010 from the Department of Corrections and the United States Census Bureau, one of every ninety-nine males in our state is listed on the Sex Offender Registry. This number has grown since then and will certainly continue to grow if we just sit idly by hoping things get somehow get better. However, there is hope for change if we begin to educate our lawmakers, and undertake appropriate legal challenges. Keep in mind that Courts cannot intervene until laws are challenged. We, the registrants, must undertake appropriate legal challenges until courts recognize both the unconstitutionality and unintended consequences being inflicted. The penalties extend to everyone associated with registrants, including their minor children.
We have a two-pronged plan. First, we plan to organize a legislative campaign with the primary goal of preventing any additional requirements from being added by our lawmakers in Madison. This will require us to have a presence in Madison when bills related to registration are under consideration. Second, we hope to fund targeted litigation against the unconstitutional aspects of our current law. To accomplish these goals, we will need financial resources that we currently lack. We are reaching out for help from the registrant community because:  (1) we are the ones most impacted by these laws; and (2) there is no group or organization that is going to undertake this challenge for us.  
We understand that everyone does not have the time or the ability to lobby legislators or speak publicly. That is the reason it is imperative for us to pool our resources of talent, motivation, and membership fees to ensure that our voices be heard in our state capitol.  We need to approach our lawmakers as a cohesive group not just as individuals, it has been proven in the past that numbers turn the heads of our politicians and we certainly have the numbers.
Please support the effort to fight the laws. We can prevail if we work together to change the laws that publically humiliate not only the former offender but their families as well. Working together we can prevent any new misguided legislation from being passed. Become a member of Reform Sex Offender Laws in Wisconsin and become an active participant in our community to make meaningful change. We recognize that most registrants are not wealthy individuals, therefore, we are not asking for much. Please know that your monthly contribution of as little as $5.00 can make a huge difference when a little bit comes from everyone.

Lara Kronberger
Wife of a Sex Offender

Membership Levels



  1. I'm not sure many people can afford to pay for a membership. Just a thought.

  2. Church communities were built on small nominal, seemingly inconsequential donations that are made weekly. We are a community of offenders. A couple of bucks monthly or yearly for a cause that will better the quality of life for all RSOs is the point.

    If we tackle this issue like any community would by banding together, pooling our resources and supporting those that are willing to put their faces and names to the front and defend those that are not in a position to defend themselves, then I don't think it is too much to ask for a little help.

    Otherwise it really is every person for themselves and I should just pull this site, worry about my husband and not care about the other 21,000+ offenders that are trapped on the Registry in Wisconsin.

    That just seems UnAmerican to me.

  3. jaderbug888@yahoo.com10:38 PM, December 08, 2011

    I want to volunteer my time. i dont have money to become a member "as i am not trying to get ripped off" no offense, but if i can help by being present and standing up i will and can. My husband was convicted of criminal sexual conduct at the age of 17 , still a minor in my eyes but not the states. i have been with him for 10 years and was there the day he got sentanced. we have a daughter who is 8 and has no clue about this AWFUL stigma and embarassing secret about her dad. he is not a threat in anyway, he works for a reputable company and hasnt even got as so much as a speeding ticket in the last 10 years, tell me how in the hell its fair that state makes us live like this after so much time as passed. murderers dont even have as much exploitation as an offender. theres no one to talk to. to relate to, people always say, well we know "him" and know hes not what they accusesed him of. BUT REGARDLESS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS GOOGLE HIS NAME AND everything even MY ADDRESS is online. i sob as i type this, b/c its not fair!!! its just not fair. so phoenix, if you would like my help, i am willing to FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHTS TO BE RESTORED. for MY family, MY husband, OUR lives. we want it back.
