Monday, December 5, 2011

Women "Trap" Men with Pregnancies... Shouldn't They Be Sex Offenders Too?

In Nova Scotia that doesn't seem to be the case.  In fact if a man tries to do that very thing, they will be on the Registry for TWENTY YEARS.  Yet if a woman 'traps' a man by telling them that they are 'on the pill' or some other contraception and becomes pregnant, the man is obligated to care for and support a child that they never agreed to. Yet when this man tries to do the same thing he is arrested, tried and convicted of a SEX OFFENSE. 

Women and girls do this all the time to keep men in their life, shoot I know of several myself that have done this very thing to keep the 'man they love' in their life for as long as they can.  Yet I have never seen a single one of them arrested for a breech of contract such as this case is essentially built on.  Isn't lying about taking the pill or having an IUD a crime?  Especially when if a man pokes holes in condom is a crime and punishable by PRISON TIME?

This story says it all....

Nova Scotia man gets 18 months for poking holes in girlfriend's condoms

By: Aly Thomson, The Canadian Press

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